""" Utilities. """
from pathlib import Path
import logging
from typing import Dict, List
import pickle
import numpy as np
import cv2
from scipy.interpolate import pchip_interpolate
import xml
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import numpy as np
def get_fps_from_video(video_dir):
"""Finds the fps of a video."""
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(str(video_dir))
fps = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS))
return fps
def load_stim_data(main_dir: Path):
"""Loads the stimulus info from txt."""
stim_dir = main_dir / "stimulusSequence.txt"
with open(stim_dir) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
return lines
except FileNotFoundError:
logging.error(f"{stim_dir} does not exist!!")
return False
def get_stim_array(
lines: list,
frame_rate: int,
scale: int = 1,
hamming_window_size: int = 0,
time_scale: int = 1e-3,
"""Computes a stimulus array from the stimulus information.
main_dir : str
Path of the file containing the stim info.
frame_rate : int
Frame rate of the recordings.
scale : int, optional
Interpolation rate applied in df3dPP, by default 1 (no interpolation!)
hamming_window_size : int, optional
Size of the filter applied in df3dPP, by default 28
time_scale : int, optional
Time scale of the stimulus info (msec), by default 1e-3
np.array(length, ) of boolean values indicating the stimulus time points.
stim_duration = int(lines[0].split()[-2])
frame_no = stim_duration * frame_rate * scale
repeat = int(lines[-1].split()[-1])
stim_array = np.zeros(frame_no)
# Get only the sequence data
start = 0
for repeat_no in range(repeat):
for line_no in range(2, len(lines) - 1):
duration = int(
int(lines[line_no].split()[-1]) * frame_rate * time_scale * scale
stim_array[start : start + duration] = (
False if lines[line_no].startswith("off") else True
start += duration
trim_ind = int(hamming_window_size * 0.5)
return stim_array[trim_ind : stim_array.shape[0] - trim_ind]
def get_stim_intervals(stim_data):
"""Reads stimulus array and returns the stim intervals for plotting purposes.
Use get_stim_array otherwise."""
stim_on = np.where(stim_data)[0]
stim_start_end = [stim_on[0]]
for ind in list(np.where(np.diff(stim_on) > 1)[0]):
stim_start_end.append(stim_on[ind + 1])
if not stim_on[-1] in stim_start_end:
return stim_start_end
def calculate_body_size(
body_template: Dict[str, np.ndarray],
legs_list: List[str] = ["RF", "LF", "RM", "LM", "RH", "LH"],
) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
"""Calculates body segment sizes from the template data."""
if set(legs_list).difference(set(["RF", "LF", "RM", "LM", "RH", "LH"])):
raise NameError(
legs_list could only contain ["RF", "LF", "RM", "LM", "RH", "LH"],
currently, it contains {legs_list}
body_size = {}
leg_segments = ["Coxa", "Femur", "Tibia", "Tarsus", "Claw"]
for i, segment_name in enumerate(leg_segments):
for leg in legs_list:
# If Claw, calculate the length of the entire leg
if segment_name == "Claw":
body_size[leg] = (
+ body_size[f"{leg}_Femur"]
+ body_size[f"{leg}_Tibia"]
+ body_size[f"{leg}_Tarsus"]
body_size[f"{leg}_{segment_name}"] = np.linalg.norm(
- body_template[f"{leg}_{leg_segments[i+1]}"]
# Assuming right and left hand-side are symmetric, checking for one side is enough
if "R_Antenna_base" in body_template:
body_size["Antenna"] = np.linalg.norm(
body_template["R_Antenna_base"] - body_template["R_Antenna_edge"]
body_size["Antenna_mid_thorax"] = np.linalg.norm(
body_template["R_Antenna_base"] - body_template["Thorax_mid"]
return body_size
def drop_level_dlc(data_frame):
"""Converts DLC type dataframe into one level df."""
data_frame.columns = data_frame.columns.droplevel()
data_frame.columns = ["_".join(col) for col in data_frame.columns.values]
return data_frame
def fix_coxae_pos(
points3d, right_coxa_kp="thorax_coxa_R", left_coxa_kp="thorax_coxa_L"
"""Calculates the fixed coxae location based on the quantiles."""
coxa_right = get_array(right_coxa_kp, points3d)
coxa_left = get_array(left_coxa_kp, points3d)
coxa_right_fixed = (
np.quantile(coxa_right, 0.3, axis=1) + np.quantile(coxa_right, 0.7, axis=1)
) * 0.5
coxa_left_fixed = (
np.quantile(coxa_left, 0.3, axis=1) + np.quantile(coxa_left, 0.7, axis=1)
) * 0.5
return {"R": coxa_right_fixed, "L": coxa_left_fixed}
def compute_length_of_segment(points3d, segment_beg, segment_end):
"""Computes the length of a segment."""
return np.sqrt(
(points3d[f"{segment_beg}_x"] - points3d[f"{segment_end}_x"]) ** 2
+ (points3d[f"{segment_beg}_y"] - points3d[f"{segment_end}_y"]) ** 2
+ (points3d[f"{segment_beg}_z"] - points3d[f"{segment_end}_z"]) ** 2
def leg_length_model(nmf_size: dict, leg_name: str, claw_is_ee: bool) -> float:
"""Returns the leg size from the nmf size dictionary."""
if claw_is_ee:
return nmf_size[leg_name]
return nmf_size[leg_name] - nmf_size[f"{leg_name}_Tarsus"]
def get_length_of_segments(points3d, claw_is_ee=False):
"""Returns a dictionary with segment sizes."""
segments = {
"Coxa": ("thorax_coxa", "coxa_femur"),
"Femur": ("coxa_femur", "femur_tibia"),
"Tibia": ("femur_tibia", "tibia_tarsus"),
# "Antenna": ("base_anten", "tip_anten"),
if claw_is_ee:
segments = {**segments, "Tarsus": ("tibia_tarsus", "claw")}
lengths = {}
for segment_name, (segment_start, segment_end) in segments.items():
for side in ["R", "L"]:
lengths[f"{side}_{segment_name}"] = compute_length_of_segment(
points3d, f"{segment_start}_{side}", f"{segment_end}_{side}"
return lengths
def compute_mean_length_of_segments(segment_lengths):
"""Computes mean length of each segment."""
mean_segment_length = {}
for segment, length_array in segment_lengths.items():
mean_segment_length[segment] = np.mean(length_array)
return mean_segment_length
def get_mean_length_of_segments(points3d):
"""Gets a dictionary with segment lengths."""
lengths = get_length_of_segments(points3d)
return compute_mean_length_of_segments(lengths)
def get_leg_length(mean_segment_size):
"""Returns the leg size from the mean segment lengths."""
leg_length_r = np.sum(
[size for name, size in mean_segment_size.items() if "R_" in name]
leg_length_l = np.sum(
[size for name, size in mean_segment_size.items() if "L_" in name]
return {"R": leg_length_r, "L": leg_length_l}
def get_array(kp_name, kp_dict):
"""Returns 3D points of a key point in an array format."""
return np.array(
).reshape(-1, 3)
def get_mean_quantile(vector, quantile_diff=0.05):
return 0.5 * (
np.quantile(vector, q=0.5 - quantile_diff)
+ np.quantile(vector, q=0.5 + quantile_diff)
def dist_calc(v1, v2):
return np.sqrt((v1[0] - v2[0]) ** 2 + (v1[1] - v2[1]) ** 2 + (v1[2] - v2[2]) ** 2)
def get_distance_btw_vecs(vector1, vector2):
return np.linalg.norm(vector1 - vector2, axis=1)
def save_file(out_fname, data):
"""Save file."""
with open(out_fname, "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(data, f)
def load_file(output_fname):
"""Load file."""
with open(output_fname, "rb") as f:
pts = pickle.load(f)
return pts
def from_anipose_to_array(
kps=["thorax_coxa", "coxa_femur", "femur_tibia", "tibia_tarsus"],
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert usual dataframe format into a three dimensional array of size (N,KeyPoints,3)."""
if claw_is_end_effector:
kps += ["claw"]
key_points = [f"{kp}_{side}" for side in ["R", "L"] for kp in kps]
key_points = [f"{kp}_{side}" for side in ["R", "L"] for kp in kps]
frames_no = points3d.shape[0]
position_array = np.empty(
(frames_no, len(key_points), 3)
) # timestep, key points, axes
for i, kp in enumerate(key_points):
position_array[:, i, :] = get_array(kp, points3d).T
return position_array
def df_to_nparray(data_frame, side, claw_is_end_effector, segment="F"):
"""Convert usual dataframe format into a three dimensional array."""
if claw_is_end_effector:
key_points = ["Coxa", "Femur", "Tibia", "Tarsus", "Claw"]
key_points = ["Coxa", "Femur", "Tibia", "Tarsus"]
position_array = np.empty(
(data_frame[f"Pose_{side}F_Coxa_x"].shape[0], len(key_points), 3)
) # timestep, key points, axes
for i, kp in enumerate(key_points):
position_array[:, i, :] = np.array(
return position_array
def dict_to_nparray_pose(pose_dict, claw_is_end_effector):
"""Convert usual df3dPP dictionary format into a three dimensional array."""
if claw_is_end_effector:
key_points = ["Coxa", "Femur", "Tibia", "Tarsus", "Claw"]
key_points = ["Coxa", "Femur", "Tibia", "Tarsus"]
position_array = np.empty(
(pose_dict["Coxa"]["raw_pos_aligned"].shape[0], len(key_points), 3)
) # timestep, key points, axes
for i, kp in enumerate(key_points):
position_array[:, i, :] = np.array(pose_dict[kp]["raw_pos_aligned"])
return position_array
def dict_to_nparray_angle(angle_dict, leg, claw_is_end_effector):
"""Convert usual df3dPP dictionary format into a three dimensional array."""
if claw_is_end_effector:
dofs = [
dofs = [
angle_array = np.empty(
(len(angle_dict[f"{leg}_leg"][dofs[0]]), len(dofs))
) # timestep, dofs
for i, kp in enumerate(dofs):
] = np.array(angle_dict[f"{leg}_leg"][kp])
return angle_array
def interpolate_signal(signal, original_ts, new_ts):
"""Interpolates signals."""
total_time = signal.shape[0] * original_ts
original_x = np.arange(0, total_time, original_ts)
new_x = np.arange(0, total_time, new_ts)
interpolated = np.array(pchip_interpolate(original_x, signal, new_x))
except BaseException:
signal[np.isinf(signal)] = 0
signal[-1] = 0
interpolated = np.array(pchip_interpolate(original_x, signal, new_x))
return interpolated
def interpolate_joint_angles(joint_angles_dict, **kwargs):
"""Interpolates joint angles."""
interpolated_joint_angles = {}
for dof in joint_angles_dict:
interpolated_joint_angles[dof] = interpolate_signal(
signal=joint_angles_dict[dof], **kwargs
return interpolated_joint_angles
def from_sdf(sdf_file: str):
"""Extracts a body template and joint bounds from an SDF file.
sdf_file : str
Path to the SDF file.
Dict, Dict
Body template and joint bounds.
# Parse the SDF file
sdf_in = ET.parse(sdf_file)
root_in = sdf_in.getroot()
model_in = root_in.find("world").find("model")
# Get links and joints
links = model_in.findall("link")
joints = model_in.findall("joint")
# Extract the body template
body_template = {}
for link in links:
if not any(dof in link.attrib["name"] for dof in ["roll", "pitch", "yaw"]):
# Get location of the joint
joint_loc_str = link.find("pose").text
# Convert string into a numpy array
joint_loc = np.array([float(val) for val in joint_loc_str.split(" ")])
# Get only the x, y, z coordinates
body_template[link.attrib["name"]] = joint_loc[:3]
# Extract the joint bounds
joint_bounds = {
joint.attrib["name"]: (
for joint in joints
return body_template, joint_bounds